The Ten Laws of Life

Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:

Do you know the Ten Laws of Life? Do you have the right strategies to manage your life and practice them every day? You've got to read this and learn!

Dr. Phil McGraw explicitly described The Ten Laws of Life in his bestseller book, LIFE STRATEGIES - Doing What Works, Doing What Matters. With such clarity and passion, Dr. Phil's book is very effective and specific in laying down the foundations of life. The Ten Laws of Life are very practical, very powerful principles that each of us must adhere. You can read Dr. Phil's very inspiring, life-changing book and books from other authors for free. Just contact/email Nice Book Club or visit for reservation or more information.

The Ten Laws of Life:

Life Law #1: You either get it, or you don't.
Strategy: Become one of those who get it.

Life Law #2: You create your own experience.
Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life.

Life Law #3: People do what works.
Strategy: Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.

Life Law #4: You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Strategy: Get real with yourself about life and everybody in it.

Life Law #5: Life rewards action.
Strategy: Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger.

Life Law #6: There is no reality; only perception.
Strategy: Identify the filters through which you view the world.

Life Law #7: Life is managed; it is not cured.
Strategy: Learn to take charge of your life.

Life Law #8: We teach people how to treat us.
Strategy: Own, rather than complain about, how people treat you.

Life Law #9: There is power in forgiveness.
Strategy: Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you.

Life Law #10: You have to name it before you can claim it.
Strategy: Get clear about what you want and take your turn.

Discover more through reading. Contact Nice Book Club now!

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You Will Not Change Until The Pain of Staying Where You Are Becomes Greater Than The Pain of Change

Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:

Change is a choice. It is a process, not an event. Your success – whether you are a student or out of school, a parent, an entrepreneur, a leader or manager, a worker, or a professional – is determined by how fast you adapt to changes which are happening around you. But most often than not people wait for triggering situations, which are sometimes fatal, to happen before they embrace change.

In his book, Soaring Higher, Pat Mesiti wrote Lesson No. 49 titled, You Will Not Change Until The Pain of Staying Where You Are Becomes Greater Than The Pain of Change. He said:

Change doesn’t occur by chance. It occurs by choice. And that choice is often triggered by something.

Over the years I have worked with many young men who were in the process of recovering from personal battles with addictions. Many times I watched parents who tried unsuccessfully to bribe their sons, to coerce their sons, to plead with their sons to break their addictive habits. The only people I ever met who had won their battle with addictive habits were those who had hit rock bottom. Their lives became so painful for them that they had to change.

To become successful, you must determine to beat complacency. Wishful thinking will not make you successful. You won’t change, you won’t become successful, until you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. Pain is a great motivator. Pain will cause you to get up and do something. Pain will get you back in the saddle.

How many people do you know who are relying on a lotto win to improve their lives? They want the house, the car, the overseas holiday, but it never happens. Then suddenly when the creditor is at the door, the house is about to be confiscated, the car is about to be repossessed, some pain hits them and they begin to do something about improving their lives.

One of my friends became an incredibly successful businessman after he was fired from his job. He didn’t like his job, but it had been his security. When he was fired, the pain and humiliation caused him to choose between two options. One option he faced was to give up, thrown in the towel, and quit striving for a better life. His second option was to start his own business. He chose the second option, and today he’s a multi-millionaire. The pain of getting fired and hitting rock bottom caused him to break through complacency to become the businessman he was destined to be.

It’s the same with our relationships. You may be going through a very painful relationship right now. What are you doing about it? You can either stay in that zone of pain, or you can want to change. Eventually the pain may become so unbearable that you decide to do something about it.

You may have a habit, and that habit may be detrimental to your health, but it may annoy your wife. Eventually, you may get to a point where you decide, ‘I can’t handle the nagging anymore, I’ve got to change!’

Some habits are detrimental to your health. One of my friends had a terrible problem with his weight. It wasn’t until he had a massive heart attack that he decided to change his diet. He didn’t change his diet because of the weight problem, he changed his diet when he had the heart attack.

Further Mesiti challenged:

Some of you may look at your life and say, ‘I wish I had a better income’ or ‘I wish I had a better business’ or ‘I wish I have a nice car’. Don’t wait until it’s too late to change. If the pain is already so intense, use that pain now to make a change, to break through into a better life, to start a new business, to apply for a new job, to invest time in your wife or husband, to wake up earlier each day to enjoy the sunrise.

Paul Mesiti is right. Let’s us not wait for the most painful thing to happen before we change or if we are left with no time. We need to assess or reassess our lives’ situations and decide.

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Paul Mesiti’s book, Soaring Higher and other self-help, motivational and inspirational books and reading materials are now available at Nice Book Club. Visit us now and be the first to read Soaring Higher for free. Read, learn, lead!


Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:

Great Game Ideas for Home Grade 1-2

We hope you enjoy trying these ideas with your child at home. We have tested these activities in classrooms with teachers and teachers' aides and have found them successful and fun.

Spend Some Rhyme Time Rhyming Word Game

For a fun and easy game you can play any time, all you need is a word. Choose an easy word to rhyme, and have your child think up a rhyming word. Then it's your turn to think up a rhyme for the same word, and then your child's. Keep going back and forth until one of you gets stuck, and then have your child pick a new word to rhyme.

Do a Little Decoding

To help your child learn to recognize and decode word sounds, try the following fun activities:

  • Play rhyming games, rhyming as many words as you can.
  • See how many words you can make by keeping the ending and just changing the first letter.
  • Use magnetic letters or word cards to emphasize the link between letters and sounds.
  • Help your child sound out new words that interest her.

Sight Special Words

To build up a bank of words your child will recognize on sight, make a word book. Write down words that are special to your child, such as the names of animals or words like "love" and "hug," and encourage him to illustrate them. You can also take pictures of signs or labels your child will recognize and put them in the book to make the words on them more familiar.

Critical Thinking - Be a Spy

To develop critical thinking skills, play "I Spy." Decide on an object within your view and say, "I spy with my little eye...," then add a clue such as "something that begins with 'H'." Let your children ask you yes-or-no questions to help them hone in on the object. After they guess, the kids get a turn to "spy."

Letter Recognition - Learn Those Letters

To help your child learn to match the letters of the alphabet with the sounds they make, try the following fun activities:

  • Make 3D letters by covering construction-paper cutouts with pasta, popcorn, cereal or other materials.
  • Cut out pictures of objects from magazines and have your child match them to the letters with which they start.
  • Blindfold your child, paint "lotion letters" on her arm and have her guess which letter you were painting and the sound it makes.
  • Go on a hunt to find objects that start with each letter of the alphabet.

Sentence Building - Puzzle Out a Sentence

Write a sentence from your child's favorite story on a piece of paper or cardboard, and cut it into a puzzle your child can put back together.

Revamp Reading Time

Reading time is vital, and something you should share with your child every day. To add to the fun, be sure to discuss what you read. Create new endings to favorite stories, or have your child guess what happens next. You should also encourage your child to "read" to you, even if he is just reciting a memorized story.

Motivating Children To Read Grade 3-5

By 3rd grade, children will begin to read independently. Hopefully this is a time when children begin to find that reading can provide hours of personal enjoyment. Parents play an important role in helping children find pleasure in reading. During these critical years, continue to read aloud to your children and encourage them to read aloud to you. Create family reading times and practice sharing books that all of you can enjoy together. Talking about books with your children is a way of helping them into adulthood by sharing thoughts, opinions and dreams that books can help shape. Here are a few tips to help create motivated readers in your home:

Introduce Your Child to Different Types of Reading Materials

Reading opportunities are everywhere. As children grow up, they develop strong interests. Is your child interested in sports, art, music, humor? Find out what subjects are motivating to your child and help him or her find reading materials about that subject. There are plenty of “real world” materials for special interests. Sports pages, gossip columns, comics, music reviews can motivate even reluctant readers to read. Show an interest in the articles your children read and ask them to read aloud the parts of the articles that are most interesting. Good conversations are great rewards for readers of all ages.

Set Reading Goals

Parents can create rewards to help encourage reluctant readers. Set realistic and achievable reading goals on a regular basis. Reward young readers as they reach their goals. Make sure the goals go beyond simply opening a book and turning pages for a specified period of time. And make sure that as a parent, you are reading the material with your child. Follow up each session with conversation about the passage. Ask questions that encourage opinion or thought and discussion.

Write to Read

Writing is an important part of the literacy experience. Find ways to encourage writing as part of daily home life. Children can write down telephone messages, write letters to friends and family members, create lists, compose directions for visitors.

Read as a Family

Put aside reading time that is family time. Older children can read to younger sisters or brothers. Parents can read to the family. Or everyone can simply share quiet time reading silently. Children need to have quiet time scheduled when reading materials are available and the reading is rewarded. It is a positive thing for children to see that their parents value the experience as well.
