Very important tips and reminders for parents and teachers!!!

Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:


Seed Science

by Jen Sherwin, an early childhood educator from Ohio.

In preschool, science is all about observation and experience. The aim is to allow children to witness, explore and develop interest in the world around them. Typically, nature is the topic of choice for the under-six set, and developing your child's understanding means talking about changing seasons, identifying animals, and comparing different leaves and rocks!

Talk about the animals you see in your yard, the life cycle of a butterfly, the concept of birds hatching from eggs. Compare different creatures, plants, and trees in the neighborhood: how are a bird and a squirrel different and alike? These sorts of questions and observations challenge your child to not only closely observe, but also to describe what he sees. These skills are the foundation for successful science learning later on.

For an easy project that sets the stage for some fascinating science, make this pine cone bird feeder.

See other Preschool activities


Add it Up!

by Latrenda Knighten, an elementary school teacher with 19 years of experience teaching kindergarten through fifth grade from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

A large component of mathematics development for young children focuses on work with numbers, such as counting. Children learn to rote count (naming the numbers in the correct sequence) at an early age. Then they move on to recognizing numerals and number names. As students enter kindergarten, their work begins to focus on developing strategies for counting, keeping track of quantities, and developing an understanding of joining (addition) and separating (subtraction). A major goal of kindergarten is to help children connect numerals to the quantities they represent. Kids use lots of hands-on materials to make numbers “real” as they move them around.

Here's a simple game to help your child develop basic addition concepts, using something you probably have in your cupboard: beans.

See other Kindergarten activities

1st Grade

St. Patrick's Day Treasure Hunt!

by Julie Williams, a credentialed elementary, middle, and high school teacher from Palo Alto, California.

First graders love magic, especially if it comes on a holiday and even more if it's connected to “treasure.” So it's not surprising that leprechaun lore usually fills the classroom during the week of St. Patrick's Day. Often, teachers will read old folk tales aloud to help first graders learn their letters, sounds, and words. This St. Patrick's Day, when leprechauns visit your first grader's world, you might just discover that they can bring a little fun word practice too.

With just a few ordinary materials, you can create a treasure hunt that starts with a fun letter-code game and ends with "gold."

See other First Grade activities

2nd Grade

Celebrate a Lucky Day

by Julie Williams, a credentialed elementary, middle, and high school teacher from Palo Alto, California.

St. Patrick's Day is upon us, and in second grade many teachers will be using the holiday as a fun way to reinforce key skills. How can you use a little Irish spirit to extend learning at home? Poetic devices such as rhyme and alliteration are part of second grade curriculum, and here's a great chance to use them. Are leprechauns leaping? (That's alliteration--the repetition of initial sounds). Are they bringing us baskets of old gold? (There's a little rhyme). Try arranging for a "leprechaun" to visit your house and leave an example or two of these forms in a little note. Then encourage your child to write back in kind. You'll be spreading the good luck spirit of the day, while giving your child a valuable boost with a core skill.

Want more ideas? Click here for a creative shamrock card that kids can make.

See other Second Grade activities

3rd Grade

Graphs Galore!

by Brigid Del Carmen, a teacher from Chicago, Illinois.

Graphs are a technical staple of grownup business and research, but peek into an elementary classroom, and you'll see them all over the place, too. Kindergarteners, for example, may graph how many kids prefer yellow apples to red ones; first graders may compare how many kids have birthdays in each month of the year. And now that it's third grade, the fun will continue. But get ready: the topics and the graphs will both become more complex.

How can you help your kid keep up? Take advantage of graphing opportunities at home! The key is to make graphs relevant and understandable. One place to start is your local utility bill. As communities work to cut energy consumption, utility companies are now frequently displaying your home's consumption each month, comparing it to previous ones or to highs and lows from the year before. Look it over with your child, and use it as a springboard for other graphs you can make at home. Try counting minutes of exercise, or time on the computer.

Or click here to try our Family Electricity Scorecard activity.

See other Third Grade activities

4th Grade

Pour on Science Learning

by Julie Williams, a credentialed elementary, middle, and high school teacher from Palo Alto, California.

Most fourth graders are happy to tell you how oil and water don’t mix. Don’t be shocked if you see a roll of the eyes while you’re asking about it, either - that’s because liquids, solids and gases are common areas of science study in the early grades and fourth graders often think they’ve “been there, done that.”

This year, however, fourth graders commonly revisit earlier topics in a more complex manner than ever, as they hone skills of observation and inference which are also important in math. This is a great time to allow home experiments, as long as you can tolerate a little mess. Next time your child takes a bath, for example, invite him to cover his arms and hands with some oil-based lotion. Then have him notice what happens when he gets in the bathtub and the oil slowly starts to slick. How can he break it up? Have him float a bar of soap and watch the way molecules repel to "move" the oil away. How might all this be related to the ways that we handle waste water in our rivers and oceans?

To explore oil and water one step further, click here for a simple "lava lamp" chemistry experiment.

See other Fourth Grade activities

5th Grade

Sticky Science

by Alicia Danyali, an elementary school teacher residing on the East Coast.

Your fifth grader already knows what glue is, but does he know that adhesives don't only come from a bottle? In fifth grade science, students explore the connections between nature and the common materials and substances that we use everyday. For example, many adhesives occur in nature and have important uses for plants and animals. An adhesive can be seen in a spider's sticky web, tree sap, and barnacles that stick to boats.

For a hands-on activity to make science sticky, click here!

See other Fifth Grade activities

Middle School

Check Out Cause and Effect

by Liza Jenkins, a middle school Language Arts teacher and private tutor from Gaithersburg, Maryland.

In middle school Language Arts class, students are often asked to identify cause-and-effect relationships in the narrative texts that they read. A cause is any event or action that produces a result. The result is the effect. Sometimes causes and effects are clearly stated. In these cases, the author may use signal words such as “because,” “since,” “and consequently.” However, it isn’t always this obvious; the relationship may be implied instead. Does your child have a hard time identifying cause-and-effect relationships?

Click here for a cause-and-effect card game to get your child on track!

See other Middle School activities

High School

Get on Track with Distance Problems

by Cindy Donaldson, a high school math and computer science teacher in Menlo Park, CA.

“A train leaves Pittsburg at noon traveling 75 mph, headed towards a bus that left New York City at 11AM ...” It’s the kind of word problem that baffles even the most seasoned traveler, yet it’s a favorite of Algebra teachers and often appears on the SAT test. Luckily, there are five steps that are guaranteed to solve any kind of distance problem; all you need are a pencil, some paper, and a little bit of Algebra.

Click here for an activity that will help your teen get on the right track every time.

See other High School activities

What is your advantage as a reader?

Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:

Mark Twain said, "A person who knows how to read but does not read has no advantage over the person who cannot read."

Our crusade is to make Mati a reading city and Davao Oriental a reading capital of the Philippines! Through reading, we learn. And by learning, we will know how to lead others. We can only do that if we have a venue that would encourage reading as a learning alternative.

One area which until now hounds the planet is poverty. A major concern of the Millenium Develeopment Goals of the UN. Fighting poverty is a tall order. First, we need to convince people that money is not the ultimate solution to conquer poverty. For what is money after all if you don't know how to manage it and turn it into a profitable and long-term investment. Second, it's our responsibility to supply them with the right information and all available knowledge that could help transform their lives into productive ones. Third, in our own special ways, it's also our duty to provide them options and alternatives in any form on how to learn and acquire knowledge that would help them discover their talents and potentials as well as develop and strengthen them in the process. And, finally, to apply these learning into productive enterprises and endeavors, a complete network is needed that would link them with the different development players in the community, whether public or private.

For some, being a catalyst of change may be an ordeal. But for those who take the challenge by heart, it may be a labor of love or an expression of being a person for others. This could be an exemplification of the second greatest commandment!

Nice Book Club would like to act for the moment as a venue for learning through reading. Filipinos love to learn and explore their capacities. Sad to say, however, more and more Filipinos, children and adults alike, are hooked to television and computer games and entertainment. Instead of learning and adopting the principles and practices that great and successful people have already laid down, more and more people waste their time and efforts with senseless, useless lifestyles and habits.

Thomas Edison once said, "Success is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration." John Maxwell, the modern times leadership guru, also quoted that who and what your are today, and who and what you will be tomorrow depends on two things only - the books that you read and the people that you always associate with. Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, wrote that one of your greatest assets is your time, so use it wisely.

Whether we are financially free or not, time is moving forward and it will not stop even after our demise. What we can do now is decide whether to learn and inspire others, or stay in the sideline and watch history to happen. If you want to grow, become a blessing, and leave a legacy - a life of overflowing abundance which you can share to others, to your family and friends, you really, really need to learn and learn more each day!

Change your paradigm, now! Be a bookworm and do something!

Read, learn and lead!

102 Books... Now available! - Partial List

Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:

Partial list of available books at NICE BOOK CLUB...

No. - Book Title - Author/Writer - Genre

  1. Becoming A Person of Influence - John Maxwell - Leadership/Psychology
  2. Boy Scout of the Philippines Handbook Vol. 2 - BSP- Scouting/Leadership
  3. Breasfeeding - Jane Chumbley - Reference/Parenting
  4. Can I Be A Christian Without Being Weird - Kevin Johnson - Self Help/Spiritual
  5. Cashflow Quadrant - Robert Kiyosaki - Financial Literacy/Entrep - Bestseller
  6. Chocolate for A Woman's Heart - Kay Allenbaugh - Inspirational - Bestseller
  7. Complete Book of Running - Runner's World - Self Help/Running/Fitness
  8. Creating Presentations Using MS Power Point Presentation - Davinder Singh Minhas - Reference/Communication
  9. Cuts: Fitness for Men - John Gennaro - Reference/Physical Fitness
  10. Dealing With People - Robert Heller - Management/Leadership
  11. Dictionary of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Reference/Eng'g.
  12. Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time - Brian Tracy - Business/Self Help/ Motivational
  13. Emotion Marketing - Scott Rolsivette, et al. - Business/Marketing
  14. Endangered Minds - Jane Healy, Ph.D. - Education/Psychology
  15. Escape From the Rat Race: How To Become A Rich Kid Following Rich Dad's Advice - Robert Kiyosaki - Entrepreneurship - Bestseller
  16. Evaluate Yourself - Psychology/Self Help
  17. Family First - Dr. Phil McGraw - Psychology/Self Help/Family
  18. Finding Facts: Fast Thinking - Richard Templar - Reference/Research
  19. First Aid Handbook - Anita Kerwin-Nye - Reference/First Aid
  20. Fly Fishing Stories (Collection) - Holly Morris - Inspirational/Motivational
  21. Fundamentals of Marketing - Josiah Go - Business/Marketing
  22. Games With Books - Peggy Kaye - Reference/Education
  23. Get Real and Get Rich - Omar Periu - Business/Finance
  24. Grammar Made Easy - Nerissa Mendoza - Reference/Education
  25. Guide To Entrepreneurship - Alexander Gilles - Business/Entrepreneurship
  26. Guide To Investing - Robert Kiyosaki - Entrepreneurship/Finance
  27. How Full Is Your Bucket - Tom Rath & Donald Cliffton - Business/Psychology/Self Help - Bestseller
  28. How To Be Really Really Really Happy! - Bo Sanchez - Self Help/Motivational
  29. How To Become A Marketing Superstar - Jeffery Fox - Business/Marketing
  30. How To Delegate - Robert Heller - Management/Leadership
  31. How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking - Dale Carnegie - Public Speaking/Self Help
  32. I Am What I Ate…and I Am Frigthened - Bill Cosby - Humor
  33. Interviewing Skills - Tim Hindle - Human Resource Mgt.
  34. It's Not About Size: Bigger Brands for Smaller Business - Paul Dickinson - Business/Branding/Mktg.
  35. It's Not Easy Being Green - Jim Henson - Inspirational
  36. Knock 'Em Dead: Business Presentations - Yate and Sander - Business/Communication
  37. Leadership Power Plays - Business Week - Business/Leadership
  38. Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership - Howard Gardner - Leadership/Psychology
  39. Letter to A Young Artist - Avia Deavere Smith - Self Help/Creativity/Arts
  40. Little Book of Idioms, Part 1 - Atty. Richard Abangan - Reference/Education
  41. Managing Teams (Thomson Learning) - Nicky Hayes - Business/Psychology
  42. Managing Work and Career - Josefina Sta. Maria - Self Help/Career
  43. Marketing Effectively - Mori Ali - Business/Self Help/Marketing
  44. Montessori: A Modern Approach - Paula Polk Lillard - Reference/Education
  45. Multiple Intelligence - Howard Gardner - Education/Psychology
  46. My Dad and Me (Collections) - Larry King - Inspirational/Life
  47. My Dog Was A Redneck But We Got Him Fixed - Roger Pond - Humor
  48. NEGOSYO: 50 Inspiring Entrepreneurial Stories (Collection) - Joey Concepcion - Entrepreneurship/Inspirational
  49. Negotiating Skills - Tim Hindle - Business/Negotiation
  50. Notes From A Friend - Antony Robbins - Self Help/Career Planning
  51. Number and Logic Games for Pre-Schoolers - Dr. Dorothy Einon - Reference/Education
  52. Of Beetle and Angels - Mawi Asgedom - True Story/Inspirational
  53. Paghahanda ng mga Kagamitang Pampagtuturo - Ruedas, et al. - Reference/Education
  54. Power Point: Benchmark Series - Nita Rutkosky - Reference/Presentation
  55. Practical Self Defense: Effective Techniques for Staying Safe - Mike Lorden - Reference/Martial Arts
  56. Principle-Centered Leadership - Stephen Covey - Leadership/Business
  57. Profitable Negotiation Techniques - Felix Lao, Ph.D., et al. - Business/Conflict Management
  58. Putting Customer First -Andy Bruce and Ken Langdon - Business/Customer Service
  59. REAP!: A Journey to Personal Power and Possibility - Jonathan Creaghan - Motivational/Self Help
  60. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki - Financial Literacy - Bestseller
  61. Rich Kid Smart Kid - Robert Kiyosaki - Entrepreneur/Finance
  62. Running With Giants - John Maxwell - Leadership/Motivational
  63. Sleep: Practical Parenting - Sioban Stirling - Parenting/Self Help
  64. Soaring High - Pat Mesiti - Business/Motivational/Self Help
  65. Soul Stories - Gary Zukav - Motivational Bestseller
  66. Strategic Marketing Management - Mark Parry - Business/Marketing
  67. Success (Collection of Quotations) - Orina - Inspirational
  68. Super Science Fair Project - Peter Rillero, Ph.D. - Reference/Science
  69. Supreme Teams: How to Make Teams Really Work - Peter Capezio - Leadership/Teamwork
  70. The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families - David Niven - Inspirational/Self Help/Family
  71. The 21 Indispensible Qualities of A Leader - John Maxwell - Leadership/Self Help
  72. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership/Developing the Leader Within You/The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork (Collection) - John Maxwell - Leadership/Self Help
  73. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing - Al Ries and Jack Trout - Business/Marketing
  74. The Art of Wordly Wisdom - Baltasar Gracian - Self Help/Motivational
  75. The Board Room Entrepreneur - Mike Southon and Chris West - Business/Entrepreneurship
  76. The Business Writer's Handbook - Brusaw, et al. - Reference/Writing
  77. The C.E.O. of You - Marsha Petri Sue - Self-Help/Psychology
  78. The Direct Selling Entrepreneurial Mindset - Josiah Go - Business/Networking
  79. The Great Big Book of How To Study - Ron Fry - Self Help/Education
  80. The Little Book of Coaching - Ken Blanchard and Don Shula - Motivational/Leadership
  81. The Mind of the Soul - Gary Zukav and Linda Francis - Motivational/Self Help
  82. The Negotionable Instruments Law - Renato Pasinio - Reference/Law
  83. The One Minute Sales Person - Spencer Johnson, MD - Business/Sales/Marketing
  84. The Perfect Storm - Sebastian Junger - True Story/Life
  85. The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale - Self Help/Motivational - Bestseller
  86. The Reading Group Handbook - Rachel Jacobsohn - Reference/Reading
  87. The Roller Coaster Years - Charlene Giannetti - Psychology/Parenting
  88. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey - Leadership/ Inspirational/Self Help - Bestseller
  89. The Spellbinder's Gift - Og Mandino - Inspirational
  90. The Success Principles - Jack Canfield - Business/Self Help/Motivational
  91. Top Performance - Zig Ziglar - Leadership/Self Help Psychology
  92. True Grit (Collection) - Deborah Meroff - True Stories/Life/ Inspirational
  93. Up From Slavery - Booker Washington - True Story/Inspirational
  94. Vital Friends: The People You Can't Afford To Live Without - Tom Rath - Motivational/ Psychology/Self Help
  95. Who Moved My Chesse? - Spencer Johnson, MD - Self Help/Motivational
  96. Why Is Everyone So Cranky - C. Leslie Charles - Self Help/Psychology
  97. Why Stop Now?: Resisting the Temptation to Retreat - Roger Fritz - Business/Self Help/Motivational
  98. Winning (Collection of Quotations) - Orina - Inspirational
  99. Write It Down and Make It Happen Henriette - Anne Klauser - Self Help/Motivational/ Psychology
  100. You Can Succeed - David King - Business/Entrepreneurship
  101. Young Bood 3 - Philippine Daily Inquirer Collections - Writing/Inspirational
  102. Youth League Soccer: Coaching and Playing Sports - Soccer/Coaching

Nice Book Club of Mati

Posted by Nice Book Club Labels:

Reading, learning, leading... This is our principle at Nice Book Club!

A book club will soon be launched in the City of Mati. The book club aims to help elevate the literacy of the people of Mati, especially the young professionals and students, in various aspects such as financial, entrepreneurship, leadership, education, communication, career planning, etc.

The book club has already acquired over a hundred titles of books from great authors like John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, Jack Canefield, Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, Anthony Robbins, Bo Sanchez, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Ken Blanchard, Dr. Phil McGraw Howard Gardner, and many more.

For those who love to read, this is the beginning of change. This is your time to be heard of and contribute. Please share your opinions, views, insights, suggestions, experience and books!

Let's help the people of the City of Mati grow and learn!

Be counted. Act now, bookworm!

Read, learn, lead!