This book will teach you to know more about yourself and your relationships with other people. It will help you improve your people skills and your emotional intelligence. Two thumbs up for this excellent read that teaches empathy.Children are gifted with unique intelligences. As parents and teachers, it is our duty to discover them during their formative years. Howard Gardner identified what are these multiple intelligences in his book. Discovering their innate talents and gifts early, and given proper guidance, our children will grow up successful, fulfilled and productive individuals in our communities. Explore the book to appreciate the wisdom and insights of Gardner.
Learn from the most successful leaders in the history of Philippine business! You can't afford to miss this opportunity of discovering their lives and learn from their stories, how they were able to level the challenges and turned their dreams into realities. Fifty stories of people who make things happen despite their limitations. Their unique and touching saga continue to strengthen me in my quest for financial freedom.
You can now borrow and read these books for free from Nice Book Club! Yes, we can help change the world through reading, learning and leading. Act now! NICE BOOK CLUB
Why Literacy is important?
Can you read this? Can you count how many letters are there in the first question? Can you write down your answer? If you can, good for you! You have what it would take to live a good life, and contribute to the wealth of the nation.
Literacy: a matter of life and death Literacy is life, as it is the set of skills necessary for existence and development.
Living and earningMarina’s illiterate parents used to live a hand-to-mouth existence, roaming the mountains and often being mistreated by lowlanders. Determined to change their fate, Marina decided to learn. With the competencies she posses, she started to earn a living that affords to give her family a decent life.
Developing potentialsFourteen year-old Maricel just learned to write her name at the community learning center in far-flung sitio in Digos City. Now that she knows how to write her name and things about health and nutrition, she has made one step closer to becoming a nurse. Making informed decisions
Indigenous people of Mindoro lamented that when they were still illiterate, they used to be quiet and aloof people. But after being provided literacy, they were empowered to organize themselves, make critical decisions on matters that affect their lives and participate in the democratic process such as election.
Illiterate mothers of a remote barangay in Cotabato used spend their day gambling, gossiping and nagging their husbands. Then an NGO that brought literacy transformed them into responsible mothers and wives, earning family members and valued part of the community.
Averting deathOn the other side of possessing these range of skills and competencies that lead to quality life for individual and society, is the dark side of illiteracy.
Illiteracy is death…literally, as in the father who accidentally poisoned his child because he could not read label that said toxic; or figuratively, as in throwing a good life away as a housemaid committed a crime out of ignorance thereby spending the better years of her life in prison.
Those were just newsworthy incidents involving illiteracy. Unfortunately, illiteracy is not just a form of bad luck befalling people randomly, it is a reality for 4 million Filipinos who cannot read and write. Tsk, tragic cases of illiteracy might just be a common occurrence, and tragedies could multiply by 4 million!
Literacy is the key towards a good life…and against meaningless and tragic death. Good for those who knows this truth… and better for those who act on this knowledge and multiply the values of literacy in theirs and others’ lives.
SOURCE: Literacy Coordinating Council (
Literacy books are now available for free reading from NICE BOOK CLUB. Contact or visit us now. We can help in the fight against illiteracy and poverty through Reading, Learning and Leading! NICE BOOK CLUB
Persons with comparatively moderate powers will accomplish much if they apply themselves wholly and indefatigably to one thing at a time.
- Samuel Smiles
Are you struggling with procrastination? In my personal journey, I have been subjected to this very destructive habit a countless times. I found out that oftentimes we take so many tasks, big and small, because we want make ourselves helpful to others or productive in our career. But on the process we tend to forget that we are no superman or wonder woman. We thus need to organize our tasks, our plans, and even our thoughts, in order for us to do the right things and things right at the right time and, yes, at the right place.
Brian Tracy’s book, Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, provides very practical and doable solutions to procrastination. All we got to do is apply each day, which requires discipline and sacrifice, those principles found in his powerful book.
Let me share to you the twelfth way (Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time) that Brian Tracy has offered:
THERE IS AN old saying that “By the yard, it’s hard; but inch by inch, anything’s a cinch!”
One of the best ways to overcome procrastination is for you to get your mind off the huge task in front of you and focus on a single action that you can take. One of the best ways to eat a large frog is for you to take it one bite at a time.
Confucius wrote, “A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step. This a great strategy for overcoming procrastination and getting more things done faster.
Many years ago I crossed the heart of the Sahara Desert, the Tanezrouft, deep in modern-day Algeria. By that time, the desert had been abandoned by the French for years and the original refueling stations were empty and shattered.
The desert was 500 miles across in a single stretch, without water, food, a blade of grass, or even a fly. It was totally flat, like a broad, yellow, sand parking lot that stretched to the horizon in all directions.
More than 1,300 people had perished in the crossing of that stretch of the Sahara in previous years. Often, drifting sands had obliterated the track across the desert and the travelers had gotten lost in the night.
To counter the lack of features in the terrain, the French had marked the track with black, fifty-five-gallon oil drums, five kilometers apart, exactly the distance to the horizon, where the earth curved away as you crossed that flat wasteland.
Because of this, wherever we were in the daytime, we could see two oil barrels, the one we had just passed and the one five kilometers ahead. And that was enough.
All we had to do was to steer to the next oil barrel. As a result, we were able to cross the biggest desert in the world by simply taking it “one oil barrel at a time.”
In the same way, you can accomplish the biggest task in your life by disciplining yourself to take it just one step at a time. Your job is to go as far as you can see. You will then see far enough to go further.
To accomplish a great task, you must step out in faith and have complete confidence that your next step will soon become clear to you. Remember the wonderful advice “Leap – and the net will appear.”
A great life of a great career is built by performing one task at a time, quickly and well, and then going on to the next task.
Financial independence is achieved by saving a little money every single month, year after year. Health and fitness are accomplished by just eating a little less and exercising a little more, day after day, and month after month.
You can overcome procrastination and accomplish extraordinary things by just taking the first step, by getting started toward your goal and by then taking it one step, one oil barrel, at a time.
Yes, you can avoid procrastination. What you only need right now is to have the willingness to change. Embrace discipline and sacrifice as part of the process. It may be difficult at first, but you will see later that the benefit of adopting the right habit is unlimited. Start now! NICE BOOK CLUB
Discover more! You can borrow Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy and read it for free from Nice Book Club. Call, text or visit us now.
Oh, Budi (video arranged by Joel Vincent Capalit, the son of Joecaps)
Posted by Nice Book Club Labels: Mandayan Love SongWhat employers are looking for from their employees?
Posted by Nice Book Club Labels: Most Important Skills and ValuesWhether you are an employee, a business owner, a manager, a leader, a mentor, or simply a student whose goal is to excel in your chosen career, you need to learn, embrace and practice the right values and cultivate qualities and develop skills that will help you achieve your dreams.
In my management class at a local state college here in Mati, Davao Oriental, my students were so interested to know about the most important values and skills that employers and companies are looking for from their employees or workers. I shared to them what are those values and skills which I discovered from the book, What Color is Your Parachute? For Teens, by Richard Nelson Bolles and Carol Christen (with Jean M. Blomquist).
Below are the interesting revelations based on a survey of employers in the U.S. I believe that these same findings are also true in other countries including here the Philippines.
- Leadership skills
- Self-confidence
- Friendly/outgoing personality
- Well-mannered/polite
- Tactfulness
- Creativity
- Sense of humor
- Entrepreneurial skills/risk taker
- Strong work ethic
- Motivation/initiative
- Flexibility/adaptability
- Analytical skills
- Computer skills
- Organizational skills
- Detail oriented
- Communication skills (verbal and written)
- Honesty/integrity
- Teamwork skills (work well with others)
- Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)
Now, it's time to change.
You can change the world by reading, learning and leading! NICE BOOK CLUB
You can borrow for free What Color is Your Parachute? For Teens from Nice Book Club. Contact or visit us now.